Call for Presentations

43rd Annual Training Seminar


Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel – Halifax, NS

April 13th to 16th, 2025.


The Maritime Provinces Water & Wastewater Association will be accepting submissions for workshop presentations for the MPWWA Annual Training Seminar in Halifax, NS.


 Effective and relevant training helps us continue to protect public health and the environment in the communities we serve.


MPWWA will accept abstract submissions for all topics related to water and wastewater. Presentations shall be 1 hour in length - approximately 45 minutes for the core presentation, with 15 minutes to accommodate questions from the delegates.


Have you been involved in a project? Maybe you have an innovative idea or product you would like to share with Maritime water and wastewater operators. Please provide a brief presentation outline for consideration to share with your peers.


 Please submit presentations by February 29, 2025 using the online form. We may hold presentations not used for this conference for future conference consideration.

Click here to submit your Presentation online.




The Maritime Provinces Water & Wastewater Association is now accepting submissions for presentations for a virtual MPWWA Annual Training Seminar to be held May 10th and 11th, 2022. Effective and relevant training helps us continue to protect public health and the environment in the communities we serve.

Seminar Sponsors
